
Entity Definition

Logical Name : Denomination
Physical Name : CO_DNM

Specifies the quantitative value of the referenced CURRENCY media. Examples for US currency include $100 bill $50 bill $20 bill $10 bill $5 bill $2 bill $1 bill $.50 coin $.25 coin (quarter) $.10 coin (dime) $.05 coin (nickle) $.01 coin (penny)

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
DenominationID (PK) An identifier which uniquely identifies the quantitative value of a specific currency, e.g. $100, �50, etc. ID_DNM Identity integer
ISOCurrencyCode (FK)(PK) Currency code designated by ISO to identify national currency CD_CNY_ISO_4217 ISO_4217_CurrencyCode_char(3) char(3) ISO4217-CurrencyType(LU_CNY_ISO_4217)
Description A description of the quantitative value of a specific currency. NM_DNM Name varchar(40)
MonetaryValueAmount The monetary value expressed as a fraction or multiple of the base currency. For a EURO this could be a 1 for a 1 Euronote. For a DOLLAR this could be $.25 for quarter. This value is used when counting currency denominations as part of the tender settlement process for TILLS. MO_AMT MoneyShortRetail decimal(7,2)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ISO4217-CurrencyType is available in Denomination
Denomination is part of TenderLineItemDenomination
Denomination is recorded in TenderControlTransactionTenderLineItem
Denomination defines unit of currency for TillTenderCashDenominationCount

Logical Views containing Denomination

Logical View
Logical 02330 - Retail Transaction - Tender - Macro View
Logical 02510 - Tender Control Transaction - Movement View
Logical 03160 - Reporting - Store Operations - Till View
Logical 10104 - Enterprise Currency